Monday, December 27, 2004

The other side of Iowa - Your lyrics engine on the internet!

Under the floor
Between me and the door
There's a presence I cannot deny
It's under the car
Between me and the stars
I see glory filling up the sky

And I'm certain that He hears me
He listens even as I sing my song
I'm emphatic that He's near me
And I can see His touch in everything here


The sky is bright, like it is really day shot through a night filter like an old movie. I see for miles, I can look down coutry roads and into small towns as I speed by. I feel connected to them. I'm sure it is because I am connected to the God who's Glory is around me!

Sunday, December 26, 2004

On our way

Right now we are on our way to Nebraska to visit my parents. I am sitting in one of the Iowa rest stops (at mile 300 on I80) that offers free WiFi. It is great.

Friday we went to the Moravian's Christmas eve service. I remembered how much more meaningful Christmas seems when holding a baby. I guess between the Putz, the sermon this morning about the great story and our journey right now, I have seen a theme in God's dealings with me. I will follow.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004


I got thinking today about what my lectionary blog would be if it were abbreviated. I kept going on about pomoplecblo. It is my favorite tongue twister today. I started calling Ella Plec girl and Foster Blog man. When Elaine asked Ella where her bib was and I said pomobiblo, she said I'll pomo you, which in her world means she will pummel me.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Ella, our little princess turned two Thursday. We've been learning how our family dynamics have changed with another child. I see God through the love and my own sinfulness when trying to hold the family together in the face of frustration and split attentions. I think that may be a good illustration of what I have been feeling lately. Split, with glimpses of the Holy behind it all.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

The Correct Answer

QUEEN. Finally he said "Death." I nudged the King-
KING. Accepting the word "nudge" for the moment, I rubbed my ankle with one hand, clapped him on the shoulder with the other, and congratulated him on the correct answer. He disappeared under the table, and, personally, I never saw him again.
QUEEN. His body was found in the moat next morning.
CHANCELLOR. But what was he doing in the moat, Your Majesty ?
KING. Bobbing about. Try not to ask needless questions.

"The Ugly Duckling" -A. A. Milne

The two women who have had the biggest influence on my ministry here in Sebewaing are people I barely knew. Sister Ella Lohermann's funeral was earlier this year. I ran across a copy of her funeral service today, the first I have ever performed. All I knew about this dear lady was that though she was in a nursing home she was ever faithful to our church. She had a newspaper clipping about our arrival in her Bible. I knew that she love us and prayed for us.

When my family went to visit her in the hospital, we came wanting to pray for her, to minister to her. Instead what I found continues to minister to me to this day. I entered a room filled with the warm presence of God. As she spoke to us, she punctuated her sentences with her continual conversation with her precious Jesus and comments about how beautiful our own Ella was. She prayed over my ministry, over me, over my family, she was already in the presence of the Holy one, one foot in eternity. I remember that my cheeks flushed and I held her hand not wanting to leave that sacred place.

The other woman is being buried tomorrow. Sister Dearing served with her husband as pastors here for 10 years. Their term here ended only by John's death in 1995. They were loved and a dear couple to the church body. Sister Dearing was present at our installation and prayed for Elaine, passing the flame on to her. A picture of that moment hung in the funeral home, I wept to see. Over the year that we've served, she sent us about eight notes of encouragement, saying that we reminded her of she and John when they were young in the ministry. I felt kindred to her. I felt her prayers. I melted at her encouragement.

These dear saints of the old bloodline connected me with the living history of our congregation, but more importantly they were used of God, Angels and flames of fire, ministering to me, and all who knew them. I sat in the funeral home today in silence meditating. It is good to meditate on a life well spent, on death.

Yesterday I had an EGD Scope, a minor surgery taking biopsies from my stomach. I could have died. A thought made all the more real by complications in the operating room. The iv was kinked and I began waking up in the middle of the procedure. They tell me that I flailed; they had to move the iv to the other hand and start over. In the process I inhaled some bile, which has made recovery more painful.

The thing is going into it, and even now, death doesn't scare me. I welcome entering the kingdom of the God I so desperately long for. I know my family will be well taken care of, in good hands. My wife though doesn't like the idea much. I made some flippant comment about the insurance money and she was angry. Perhaps "to live is Christ, and to die is gain," is not fully formed in me that I treat life and death with joke. Perhaps that is just the way of men.

Tomorrow brings more meditation, and goodbyes to another dear saint going home.

[Listening to: Be Glorified - Passion - Better Is One Day (05:30)]