Monday, March 31, 2008

Today is the Church's commemeration of John Donne

The Works of John Donne
Celebrate with me! Click the link above and read a poem or two. I especially recommend his Holy Sonnets.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

I'll be bald by the time I get my Masters

Elaine was noticing today that my bald spot is much advanced. I think my forehead is growing too. It's not surprising. My body doesn't handle stress well. That's what the doctors have told me every time I go to figure out why I'm fatigued all the time. It's like I'm constitutionally lazy. I want to sleep... a lot. I was telling Fred how much stress I've had, and he asked if I take naps. I laughed. He thought I was laughing at the idea of taking time for a nap, but Elaine told him it was because I take one almost every day.

The ironic thing is that if I'm not under stress, I feel worse. I lay around all day and feel tired with out any reason to it. Then I get nervous. I have that constant nagging feeling I'm forgetting to do something.

At least with my schooling I know I'm getting something done, but lately the nagging feeling is worse. I'm glad Elaine is preaching this week!

She put a poll on our new a/g ministers network asking when we take our days off. So far two have voted for Friday, but she says my vote doesn't count since I'm stuck at home with the kids. "Well, I'm not doing work," I say.
"But you're more frustrated at the end of the day than before," she reminds me.

True but what am I to do? I don't have another day. Besides, the kind of things I'd really like to do, she wouldn't much want to be with me. I'd love to spend the day with Steve and Roderick in Saginaw or go off to a monastery for a retreat. I'd feel mean leaving Elaine stuck at home with the kids.

Oh, well, Elaine says I'll be cute bald.