Wednesday, October 03, 2007

What if this Lon Kauffman print was about Social Justice?

I imagine the horizon line is the edge of what Anaxamander called the boundless. Or as Rolheiser puts it, the turbulent silent power of God that underlies all that is. That line is the thin veil, the crust, the skin of God. The faces in the vertical line remind me of the Triune God, revealing his boundless, infinity rich mystery to the world. So great a revelation is too much for us to see in just one face. If it is the skin of God then it is also us, and as the mountains rise we take on this brimming omnipotence of God thrust into the world. His very nature is just so as we explode the body of Christ into our world, so too we bring justice. Imagine the areas in the foreground are envelopes, letters from us to the world, bringing the prophetic to bear in the four arenas Foster mentions.

1 comment:

  1. Lon Kaufmann did not intend that any social justice meaning be ascribed to this print when he created it. This cibachrome was one of about twelve such prints in a series. Each print is comprised of a number of photos of concrete stairs (in some institutional building at the University of Iowa, I believe) superimposed on each other in various random patterns.
