Saturday, September 05, 2009

What does God need?

In our ministerial group we have on occasion batted around the question: does God have real needs? Does God need us? Does God need companionship? Does God need our service?

In thinking so about God's nature the thought occurs to me that if God has a deep inner need, it is the need to reveal himself.  God's self-revelation is a gracious mystery.  We have no explanation for it.  Indeed by creating the universe and human beings to observe it, God has made a vehicle for communication of the Divine nature. God's self-revelation is also necessarily transformative.  One cannot gaze into the awful abyss of God's nature and not be changed - from glory to glory.

As a human being I am created to not only search out God's personhood but to proclaim it, to worship.  God invites me to participate in this revelation of the beauty of God's being, leading others (in the end all of creation) to transformation.  To me that is the spirituality of leadership - firmly rooted in the Boundless.


  1. you know what,thank you for this message,i have been battling in my head,just to know what else i am expected to do besides prayer requests to God.i have just learnt that i am expected to grow in my knowledge of God!!!
