Tuesday, September 28, 2004


“They say you’ve got this friend, born out in Bethlehem
Some contend that he is mightier than any man
And those who disagree as to his sovereignty
Are called devil-loving, rubber-wearing-pagans damned.
I am impressed but not fooled
It looks like they sold you some of that too.

Trying to make a profit
Trying to make a profit
Trying to make just a little bit of profit off it.”

the mammals (Profit)

Is our evangelical Christianity a bastard of capitalism? Do we approach the kingdom of God thinking the ideals of western commerce are Biblical?

Jesus certainly makes it clear that the economy of the Kingdom is opposed to the world. Suffering brings victory, slavery-freedom, death-life, and poverty-riches.

Yet so often it seems our efforts to evangelize degrade into making another kind of profit. Surely we’re not as concerned with money as is popularly supposed, but so often we treat people as so much change. We trade in souls and barter with eternity.
Is there an economic model that would change the way we treat people in the church? one that values life and relationship rather than profit?

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