Thursday, October 14, 1999

Pride vs. Humility Matt 18:10

Pride cannot positively impact the lives of the humble. Jesus tells us the kingdom of heaven is made up of children, and unless we humble ourselves to be like children we cannot be a part of that kingdom.

I cannot impact the life of a child and be proud. In order to reach a humble child, I must also become humble. Pride will never allow me to care about the children. Pride must die to lead the humble.

Teaching at their level or leading is not a matter of being cute or condescending but lowering myself to consider my spiritual needs equal with theirs. For this is right. I can only truly challenge them if I believe that which challenges them is not so far below me that I too am not challenged.

Lord teach me humility, so I may be a part of your kingdom and lead others to the humility of belonging to the king.

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