Sunday, August 12, 2007

Transparency and vulnerability

What discipline is required for the future leader to overcome the temptation of individual heroism? I would like to propose the discipline of confession and forgiveness. Just as the future leaders must be mystics deeply steeped in contemplative prayer, so also they must be persons always willing to confess their own brokenness and ask for forgiveness from those to whom they minister.
Vulnerability and transparency can help keep me from the temptation to be spectacular. I need to take my journaling in the form of this blog more seriously. It is a discipline that puts myself out there for comment. That isn't always easy but it is humbling.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yay! Is that a quote? If so, from where? Keep writing, then. Besides, you have to keep up with me! ;)

  3. I have really appreciated the quotes in this book as well.

    The temptation to be spectacular and for individual heroism has really been a struggle for me in the past year or so, since a promotion from the Lord happened. I am not used to being humlbe, vulnerable and transparent, but I have learned that it is truly vital to leading at high level of influence. The ability to achieve the transparency in a timely manner has got to be refreshing, and wonderfully worthwhile as well.
