Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter and Resurrection Power

As part of my responsibilities for class I have been keeping track of when I pray for healing and the results. So far we are 0 for 15 in immediate healing. There haven't been any signs that the Spirit has been moving aside from some warmth in my hand. I mean someone falling down - that would be a clue, or people being filled with the Spirit, or shouting hallelujah. Some times I'd take just about any feedback. The tears in a few eyes were cool yesterday, but I guess part of me wants some more evidence that God is working, because the Enemy is quick with the suggestion that he is not. Am I too sinful? How can God use me anyway? I should have spent more time this week praying for this moment. These are the thoughts going through my mind yesterday as I prayed for people.

One day Isaiah comes to King Hezekiah (2 Kings 20:1-11) and tells him that he needed to get his house in order because he is going to die. As Isaiah is leaving, Hezekiah is praying. God changes his mind! He comes to Isaiah in the courtyard and tell Hezekiah that his prayer is heard and he will have another 15 years. You'd think that the word from the prophet would be convincing for Hezekiah, but he needs more proof. So Isaiah says OK, what should the Lord do? Make the shadow from the sun go forward or backward? Just to be sure Hezekiah asks for it to go back.

It strikes me that God would not only offer a sign but be pleased to do the harder of the two. Talk about putting the Lord your God to the test! Hezekiah got his sign that God was moving.

God I confess that I look for signs too, and that I feel the pressure from the enemy not to believe what you are doing, or in your resurrection power that lives within me, or the authority you have given me over sickness and the enemy. I'll take what you give me, and keep praying. Teach me, show me what you want to do like you told Isaiah. Like Jesus I only want to do what I see you doing, help me to see.

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