Thursday, April 13, 2000


To bring hope to hopeless children

The need

As a counselor at kids camp in 1999 I was brought to my knees with a buren for the hopeless. I had two in my group, Charlie and Chris who have had a tough life, because of it they acted out. They were picked on, different and volatile. In a world that creates hopeless situations, Christ brings hope. I also brought to the camp T----. Similarly she was socially affected by hard times. Can she function normally? Christ brings healing. With Joan's connections at county corrections, we have seen many kids who have been failed in so many ways. They are hurt, broken, scared and can't see any hope. Christ is all about healing hurt, broken, scared people. These hurts come out in unloveable and unacceptable ways, and we are called to love them, called to accept them.

The challenge

These kids have had so little exposure to God and the things of God that they have difficulties learning with those who have been exposed. The difficulties include lack of understanding of church-speak, not knowing how to act and most importantly they have needs so important and so large in their eyes that they can't see the very real need of God and salvation.

The Solution

Because disinterest causes behavior problems we need to be simple in speech, prepared and patient. Most importantly, we need to find ways to meet those felt needs so they can come to see their need for God and allow him to change them - to bring hope.

This has everything to do with evangelism. There is only one way to reach the unchurched and that is by meeting them where they are. The prayer, care, share model fits this perfectly. Prayer allows God to speak truth and knowlege of their situation as well as change our hearts to love. Care is a matter of meeting those needs that are paramount in their eyes. When met they are alowed to explore greater depths.

Who is equipped to meet these needs? Those who need to know the dpths themselves.

Leading Children into Discipleship

The Need

I have found discipleship to be the great joy of the Christian life. The joy of relationship and the romance of redemption aren't just frills, they are the whole point. Like Jeremiah, there is no greater testimony to God's desire to fellowship than a child who knows the Voice of God. It is the firm belief that children can develop wells of relationship with God that has driven me to minister with children. Over the last year as I have grown, the Disciplines have become more and more important to me. I have become a prospector, and knowing God my gold. Knowing God isn't a key part of ministry, it is all of it. As a heart grows to beat in rhythm with the divine heart, it changes all around it and lets the Spirit move it to the right actions. These hearts only beat as one as the grace of God enables. The Disciplines put is in a position where God works his grace in us.

The Challenge

The Disciplines are expressions of love and as with any love we must decide to love God in this way. Such a decision takes commitment. Children are capable of such commitment, but they don't usually understand the gravity of such a decision. They also need great support to stay focused with so many things calling for their time and attention.

The Solution

All the elements of Christian life must be continually offered to these young Christians that they may grow. Things such as worship, prayer, the word, baptism, communion and ministry are food for growing kids. For them to catch it however it must be done in context.

Ministry Within Context

The Need

To be effective in sharing Christ with children we need to be aware of the influences they face. To hold attention in an environment where everything demands attention, we must be aware of the culture they are immersed in and use it's keys and methods. In order to disciple and keep them we must nurture and and understand the context of the natural support system - the family.

Christ is Lord of culture who can reign as effectively over the Sawi tribesmen of Papua New Guinea as he can over the techno generation of suburban America. He can use the customs, music, art, and worldview to bring his Kingdom. Christ is not afraid of culture, but rather reigns. Kids have their own distinctives and sub-culture. Their cartoons, games, hobbies, interests, school life, books and families create a unique people to minister to. This context must be considered.

The family is the child's source of support and development. It is the place where values are formed and attitudes set. Effective ministry must recognize the place the famiy as the spiritual leadership for the children. Effective ministry nurtures and strengthens this unit, giving it them the resources to succeed.

The Challenge

Parents and children learn in different ways. They understand things at different levels. This poses two challenges. First, parents at times miss the importance of the spiritual needs of their children, placing their needs below their own. Second it is difficult to connect between generations. The culture is changing continually and as the distinctives of kid culture become more pronounced the adults have more difficult communicating. The American child is given many opportunities. Often these things play a tug of war with the child. Time is demanded at sports practices, school, homework, friends, TV, etc..., and family time is small. With so much vying for attention, it can be difficult to get their attention. We must be able to use things they already focus on to share Christ and in such a way that it doesn't further stress the family.

The Solution

The solution begins in study. I purpose to learn both kid culture and the family dynamics of the culture where I am. Armed with this knowledge, we must minister accordingly. Imitating God by taking what is meant for entertainment or even evil, and using it for God's Kingdom is a starting place into kid culture. Kids will like what they like. Our job is to teach Christ and him crucified through it. Ultimately this will mean riding the wave of technology and trend while balancing the delicate and taut line of The Spirit. That line points continually to Christ and never looses its focus.

With the knowledge of the family, every effort should be made to tap into its power as a support structure and value disseminator. Hope must be offered to the whole family. The elements of Christian growth, the Disciplines, are best experienced in this context and the sharing of the life of Christ corporately and individually at the level of kid culture can and should be enjoyed as a family.

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