Tuesday, April 18, 2000

Who am I?

Through gritted teeth and furrowed brow I examined today the thoughts, attitudes and positions of others.  How can they say things like they do?!  How can they be so legalistic, so blind, so amoral, so lost? So insignificant and yet so arrogant? 

 Why so critical and cynical?  Perhaps my brow is so tightly furrowed that my eyes are forced inward. Oh loathable self.

Who am I truly then? The more I come to the end of myself, the more I see that the answer lies in knowing my Well Beloved. These problems that seem so absorbing are erased when I see myself as a reflection in God's loving eyes.  Eyes that see, eyes that reflect with true love, true judgment. This view is startling and comforting; directing and at the same time distracting to the point that I am lost in His life - Jehovah Tsdkanu, my Well Beloved.

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