Wednesday, November 10, 2004


My office, even the sanctuary is not friendly to my contemplation. My devotional life is marked by restlessness, when I grow restless in my study, I'll go pray until the restlessness passes and I can think again. So much calls my attention and makes me uneasy around what is my workplace.

I've never thought before about my interaction with my environment as an important element to my spiritual formation. I have long been an atmosphere junkie. I love those spaces where the atmosphere is just right, like the coffee shop. I can breathe in the aromas, feel the warmth of my cup and the vapors rise to my face. I find it easy to meet with God there. It's great, but it is a half hour drive to the nearest coffee shop.

I put ten candles on a table in the cleanest corner of my office, next to the couch. This is my first day experimenting with making my space holy. I framed my activities and places with prayer. When I came in this morning I lit the candles and sat in the dark listening for a while. I'm also drawn to praying the Divine Office, or something like it that would be rhythmic. I am interested in the rhythmic ebb and flow, consolation and desolation.

[Listening to: Adding To The Noise - Switchfoot - The Beautiful Letdown (02:51)]

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