Thursday, March 23, 2000

Psalm 119 Heth

A Meditation on Psalm 119:57-64

Daddy, for my inheritance I do not ask for riches or wealth. I don't ask for health or prosperity. My reward is you. Let me see your face. I run after it down the path your voice has laid out. Even though I may be poor and looked down on, your word is all I want! I'll get up from my sleep and in the dark hours just to give you thanks. Your word is everything to me. My heart is enlarged for all who look to it. The whole world hears your voice and all the universe shakes at your glory.


Experiencing your word is my only care
you are my reward

Expecting you to speak
I turn and listen

Exposing my ear
I strain for your commands

Examined ways are changed
they turn at your slightest breathing

Expectation rises by the hour
your word is my dream

Exalting you at midnight
my love for your word steals my sleep

Expanse cannot contain my heart's longing
the words praising your loving letters

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