Thursday, July 15, 1999

The door to fruitfulness Rom 12:1-2, Gen 22:1-19

Again I find myself coming to the question: how do I hear God's voice? (see 1-31-98)
When God called, Abraham quickly replied "heneneh!" Behold here am I! The scriptures are filled with men an dwomen who talk with God. "I no longer call you servents... I call you friends, for everything I learned from my father I have made known to you." The key to hearing is obedience in its truest and most extreme sense. Abraham was obedient. His obedience led him to trust God enough to sacrifice his son.

Paul also heard the voice of God. He urged the Romans to offer themselves as living sacrifices so thaty could test... so they could hear... God's perfect will.

Have I thrown my whole self on the altar of sacrifice today? What is speaking loud enough in my day today, to drown out the still whisper of God? What must die?

"And my words remain in you...." Vision rests on hearin gfrom God ourselves. The doorway to fruitfullness is holding God to his word revealed to us on a personal basis. Hearing that word comes through an altar of self-sacrifice.

Lord send Holy Fire to this wet altar. Consume the unfit sacrifice of all my dreams, desires, imaginations drugeries and all that I am, and replace the ashes with your words of promise and destiny.

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