Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Answer to those who question Barack Obama's Christian Experience | Obama Has Never Been A Muslim, And Is a Committed Christian


  1. Obama says: "I explained my belief that few women made the decision to terminate a pregnancy casually;"

    So premeditated murder is just fine then?

    Can a committed Christian approve of the wholesale slaughter of babies?

  2. That is a good question. I guess the short answer is that a committed Christian can believe and support and do all sorts of stupid things and still be a committed Christian.

    We all do it in one way or another. I could try to come up with possible ways Mr. Obama justifies this belief. But I don't really need to. We all have areas in our lives not completely reconciled to the kingdom of God. There are some planks in the progressive agenda that are difficult to reconcile. How does one balance our value of freedom and privacy with the Kingdom? There are certainly places they intersect, but in this area of women's health, the progressive agenda gets it wrong.

    I imagine that Mr. Obama has wrestled with these thoughts. I don't take him to be an ideologue who unquestioningly touts the party line. Perhaps he hasn't yet found peace on it, but has fallen back to the party stance. Perhaps he has found peace in some way. I appreciate your question, and especially that you were questioning and not damning him to hell.
